Monday, November 14, 2011

MuscleTech's Neurocore - One Week In

I've been taking Neurocore, MuscleTech's pre-workout forula for a week now and just wanted to post a quick review of what its doing for me. Note that for maximum benefits the comapny says to take 3 scoops of the formula. I've been taking 2 scoops, still testing my tolerence. That being said:

Taste: I've been drinking the Fruit Punch flavor. Short on fruit. Long on punch. Bleah is too tame a word to use to describe the taste. I'd have to go with bleah squared. It's the after taste that gets you. Believe me...it's noting you'd want to buy out of the vending machine! However, it makes up for the tongue rape by doing what it's supposed to.

Strength: I did the RevAbs 90 day program before starting another round of P90X. RevAbs is high on cardio, not muscle-building weight lifiting so I was prepared for the amount of weights and my strength to be diminished. NOT SO! I can honestly say that I noticed marked improvement in all areas. Numbers of pushups and pullups increased and the weights went up anywhere from 2.5 to 10 lbs across the board, depending on the exercise. I was not prepared for that and allowed my eyes to get bigger than my head and managed to pull a muscle in my neck! Good times.

Pump: I got that feeling! Felt good. Felt big. Sex-ay.

Focus: It was not the laser-like focus I had read some people having with this. It was more of a single-minded accomplish the task at hand mindset that moved me relentlessly from set to set, move to move, exercise to exercise. It made the workout fly by with energy to spare.

I haven't noticed any post workout crash to speak of but have to continuously remind myself to drink more water during the day. All in all...I love this stuff. It works. Although, I can't imagine what kind of improvement there will be when I take 3 scoops of Neurocore. If anyone has, please let me know what to expect.

Comments always welcome. Talk at you soon!


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Adventures In Lawnmowing

I hate mowing the lawn. It was my job as a kid, I hated it then, I hate it now. Of course it doesn't matter that I bought a house with a huge lawn...I'm really not that smart. Anyway...this is what mowing the lawn usually turns out to be for me.

I have 2 lawnmowers: one is easy, light, no bells and whistles. The other is one of these huge green things with the bag you have to empty every 5 minutes, self propelled at a wheelie-popping pace. I don't usually use that one.

So it's lawnmowing day. I get out there to start my nice easy mower. Won't start. I pull the starter cord. I pump the little suction ball thing I figure wizards must have put on these things to aid in starting (I don't know what its for..its all magic to me) and try again. Nothing. I pull. I curse. I remember the guy next door has kids. I do the half-cursing thing.  You know..."God firkafrack, Son of a muckarafa, Mothergagamarka," etc.

So I get the green monster mower and it starts right up. I make one pass down the side of the house and notice something sticky on my finger. It appears to be some type of bug wing so I peel it off. Ow, it feels like there's some type of stinger in my finger, so I pull at the corresponding area. Ow...still stingy. And then I do the smart thing and actually look at my finger. Not a bug wing.

I had pulled that starter cord so hard, so many times, I gave myself several blisters on my hand and the inside of my index finger. The bug wing was, in fact, this huge blister down the inside of my finger which, in my zeal, I had now pulled off. Really pulled off. "Is that muscle?" pulled off.

So I finished that side of the house - only 3 or 4 up and down trips, stop, pull the cord on the light, unstarting mower I wanted to use in the first place and it starts right up. The riding mower I use for the back started right up. Time to edge. I pull the cord on the light small edger I have and the cord stays right there in my hand. Sigh.

Yes, I have another edger. A Parks and Recreation castoff that has 4 wheels and you have to stand on the back wheel and pull the cord straight up to get it started. Which it did. I wrestled that around the yard for a bit. Needless to say there was no yard cleanup that day, no raking, no sweeping, no nothing.

Man, I hate mowing the lawn.


Monday, October 17, 2011

Results Take Time!

I've been seeing quite a few posts on the Beachbody message boards lately saying things like:

"I'm on week 3 and haven't lost any weight" or
"I'm 3 days in and haven't changed" or
"I weigh myself everyday and the scale hasn't moved."

My response is always the same - Its not called P21X for a reason! It's not "Insanity - the 7 day body makeover" for a reason.

Results take time. That is one of the immutible laws of fitness. One must be realistic. If you come in weighing 280lbs and want to get ripped in 90 days...well...that may not happen. I guarantee you'll make amazing progress but it may take you another 90 days..and possibly another. Results take time + consistency + effort!

Tony Horton (Mr. P90X himself) says in one of the first P90X DVD's you'll do that "Rome wasn't built in a day and neither was your body!" It took you some time to get where you are, it's just going to take some time to get where you want to be.

Give yourself the time and you will give yourself the results.

Now go Push Play!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Replace One Meal a Day - Healthily!

I cannot recommend this highly enough! I drink it everyday so you know it has to be great! To learn more click here for Shakeology!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Monkey See, Monkey Do

I'm sure by now we all know the basic principles behind doing the P90X, or Insanity, etc programs - put in the DVD, push play, and follow along. You lose weight, get in shape, change your life...well, the benefits are astounding.

However...you sort of have to do the exercises the way they're doing them on the screen! If you're supposed to do 1-2-3's, don't just run willy nilly from side to side! If you're supposed to do knee/back kick with the right leg don't do a knee with the left and a side kick with the right!

Well, you get the idea. One of the things you hear a lot in these programs is "Form is fundamental." It's true. Do it right to prevent injury and make the greatest strides in your personal health and fitness. I understand if you can't straighten your leg because you're not very flexable (like me), or, heck, even have one leg, but Shaun T (Mr. Insanity) has said, "Don't tell me you can do 100 switch kicks and then be doing them wrong!"

So try to do the moves as best you can.

Monkey out!


Monday, October 10, 2011

Don't Be An American Idle!

I'm sure you've noticed, in our celebrity obsessed culture, that we're constantly watching these people walk down the red carpet at some gala. Or at an awards show. Or at some premire, charity event, convention, or other public venue.

You ever notice what these people are not doing? They're not at home watching TV! They may be on the television but very few ever watch it! That's how most of them became so successful - they got up and went out to grab what they wanted. I'm sure that hard work was true in every case...well, I suppose we can take those Jersery Shore, Teen Mom, and other reality show "stars" off the list.

What I'm trying to get at is no one sees the years of hard work that leads up to being an overnight sensation. No one sees the countless hours of throwing a football by the star quarterback. No one talks about the hockey superstar who spent years on the ice after the rink closed to practice. No one mentions the hours and nights spent in class, on the field, in the studio. Its these little things no one sees or talks about that leads to success, wealth, stardom, etc.

They weren't watching hours of television everyday. They were up and out.

They weren't idle!


Friday, October 7, 2011

Video Friday!

 This is what I'm doing to help others reach their fitness goals so they may lead healthy, fulfulling lives. Beachbody is a People Helping People company dedicated to ending the trend of obesity in the United States. Learn more here and join me!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

A Rambling Wednesday

I got behind in my workouts for a few days so I had the bright idea to do doubles to catch up. It was only four workouts so I knew 2-a-days were doable.

So Monday I did two - one in the morning and one in the afternoon. No worries...I am much man! Tuesday I did the next two back to back because I had a Fit Club to go to that night. For those not in the know, a Fit Club is just a group of Beachbody Coaches and interested others who get together to do a workout from the Beachbody catalog of exercise programs - P90X, Insanity, Turbo Fire, RevAbs, etc.

At Fit Club we did Insanity: Pure Cardio and Resistance. Ouch. Believe me, there were a few times I thought the Shakeology I had a couple hours before was going to make an appearance! Sweat flew. The group groaned. There was cursing (me). And a few tears (me again).

And I still thought it was fun!

Something wrong with me - seriously wrong with me! Although I learned my lesson - Stick to the schedule and don't get behind again!


Monday, October 3, 2011

Dedicate It!

I've written to you before that no one can do it for you. You are responsible for your current levels of health and fitness. You are responsible for getting out there and working out. You have to do it.

Now I want to ask you: Who are you doing it for? Why are you doing this? Who are you dedicating your workouts to?

First, I know you're doing it for yourself. You want to be in better health. You want to be fit. You want to look good in that bathing suit, or cocktail dress, or you finally want abs, or do a decent pull-up.

But now I need you to think - who else needs you to be fit? Your spouse, your kids, your friends, even your pets! They need you to be healthy. They Need You! I know of one woman who's children said to her, "Mommy, please stop smoking because we don't want you to die!" Ouch! I'm happy to say she completely transformed her life and health. In fact, I get into arguments with people because she doesn't even look like the same person!

So dedicate your workouts to those that matter. Tell yourself "I'm working out today for my wife so I'll be here for her for a long time." Do it for your kids.

Do it for yourself.

Dedicate it!

Friday, September 30, 2011

An Invitation

This is what made a difference in my life. Please listen and join me at Team Beachbody.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Fitness Revolution

The Fitness Revolution...if you're a regular visitor here (I hope :)), you're probably already a footsolider in the healthy lifestye army. If this is your first visit (the first of many - again with the hoping!), you're probably thinking of enlisting. You should...there's a battle coming. Don't worry, we're not storming the castle walls or battering down the drawbridge but we are fighting in the streets.

It seems that we humans have become so advanced, our food so fast, our need to have it immediately so great, that we're literally eating ourselves into such poor health its actually killing us! Obesity has become one of, if not the greatest threats to ourselves, our children, and our nation. The medical costs are staggering. The human toll is even greater.

Some of the risks of being obese:

  • Heart disease and stroke.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Diabetes.
  • Cancer.
  • Gallbladder disease and gallstones.
  • Osteoarthritis.
  • Gout.
  • Breathing problems, such as sleep apnea (when a person stops breathing for a short time during sleep) and asthma.

  • And childhood obesity:

  • Developing Type-2 Diabetes (also termed as adult-onset diabetes) due to being overweight.
  • High levels of cholesterol and high blood pressure.
  • Sleep Apnea (interruption of breath while sleeping) which may also lead to other problems like difficulty in learning and memory.
  • Higher risk of developing, liver diseases, orthopedic problems and asthma.
  • More than 70% obese adolescents retain their overweight and obese condition even during their adulthood.

  • This has got to stop and the end of it starts with you! Get out and spread the word. Its time to join the Fitness Revolution.  Join me!


    Monday, September 26, 2011

    Just Show Up

    The above three words are the cornerstone of fitness. Another way to say it - CONSISTENCY! If your program, be it P90X, Insanity, Turbo Fire, etc., says do these workouts 6 days per week, do them 6 days per week! I realize that life rears its ugly head every so often and we, me included, will miss a day here and there, but for the most part you have to do it to get the results you want.

    I wish it were as simple as buying the thing, rubbing the DVD's all over your body and, SHAZAM!, you're fit and ripped to shreds. Not going to happen. You have to go into the garage, or the living room, or bedroom, or where ever you have your workout area set up, push play, and do it..over and over.

    Our bodies are amazing mechanisms. Unlike any other machine which depreciates and breaks down from overuse, the body becomes stronger, healthier, fitter, and just plain better the more you exercise. Even if you have a serious health issue, just a little activity improves your overall level of health.

    I'm sure you all know my story, but briefly - Ulcerative Colitis, entire colon removed, insides reconstructed, bag on my side for 10 weeks, plumbing reconnected, sat around getting fat and happy untill I hit 235lbs and a 44" waist. Today, as of the last weighing - 202lbs, 35" waist, BP 120/70, resting heart rate 56. In the best shape of my life. I even have an ab! Just one!!! But its happening!

    And if I can do it, anyone can. There are people out there with health issues that put me to shame. Simply inspirational people.

    And it all started just by showing up.

    Now...go push play!


    Friday, September 9, 2011

    No one is going to do it for you

    I'm always surprised at some of the responses I get when I try to bring up the topic of fitness with some people.

    "Oh, you have to keep doing it."
    "She or he doesn't have to work out"
    "It's too expensive."
    "Do you find that attractive?"

    It seems that most people think (or hope) all they have to do is rub the DVD's on their bodies and, presto, perfect heath, weight, abs, etc. It doesn't work that way. It takes time, effort, sweat, soreness, and even some creative cursing at the TV! I know I've called Tony Horton, Shaun T, Chalene Johnson, and Brett Hoebel every name in the book...plus a few that aren't in the book...yet.

    What I'm trying to say is this - working out, eating right, fitness, etc. - is something you have to do. No one can do it for you. Believe me, if I could pay someone to workout for me and get the same benefit, I'm there. But half the battle is the journey. Remembering where you were when you started and how you are now..thats the payoff.

    Sometimes when I'm out and about in my P90X hat or shirt, someone will ask, "Do you do PX90?" (yes..PX90...it's written right on my shirt P90X but its always PX90...head shaking emote inserted). I always say "yes" but I think I'm going to start saying, "Yes, I finished P90X."

    I can do a week of P90X or Insanity, or a month...but the feeling of accomplishment you get when you stick with it and complete it? Yes, I finished P90X. Yes, I finished Insanity. Yes, I finished Turbo Fire, RevAbs, Slim in 6, etc.

    Think about how it felt when you did that. Think about how it will feel when you do that. You.

    Because no one is going to do it for you.


    Thursday, August 25, 2011

    The MOST Important Fitness TIp

    Brett Hoebel, creator of Beachbody's RevAbs program, with the most valuable fitness tip he can give:

    Tuesday, August 2, 2011


    I was watching the show Made on MTV the other day. For those of you who don't know, people write in and want to be made into something like the geek wants to be a ladies man, or the tomboy wants to be prom queen etc. Then the powers that be send this person a coach or expert and they work with them for 90 days ( I think) and move them to their goal...usually culminating in success or near-miss, but ultimately peoples lives are changed.

    In this particular episode, a woman who had gained 70lbs while pregnant, wanted to be a 'fit mom' and run a 5k.. So they send her a trainer annnnd they whining and complaning began: "This is so hard." "I can't do this." "Why are you so mean?" "DON'T YELL AT ME I'M DOING IT!" Tears, crying, boo hoo, boo hoo. After a couple of weeks the trainer measures out 5k, which was several times around the block, and has the woman run it. Whinning and complaining begins, runs some, walks some, whining and complaining continues.

    Towards the end of the run the trainer says: "Run these last 100 yards! C'mon, you can! Run! Run!" So the woman runs to the finish, collapses to the ground, whining and crying continues. The trainer kneels down and says, "This is where it starts. Do you want the next 10 years of your life to be this way or do you want to change." Then she stands up, crosses her arms over her chest, looks down her nose at the blubbering woman and says, "Admit it...you feel pretty good about yourself right now, don't you?"

    And that's where the change is. Yoda said, "There is no try, only do." (Yes, I actually made a Yoda reference :)) I say, "There is no can't, only try!" One can't go into this with the attitude they're already going to fail. I'll tell you the truth, I still can't do a decent pull-up, but I'm never going to quit trying to do them. I can't seem to get my feet all the way down on front weighted lunges, but I won't quit. Don't even get me started on step-back lunges!

    Your attitude makes all the difference. How do you feel about yourself if you skip a workout for no other reason than you just didn't want to? How do you feel about yourself when you get out there and push yourself? If I fail, will I quit? If I fail, will I try again?

    I believe I'll try again. I'm positive I'll be able to do it...eventually. I see the end goal, I'll reach it...I'll even enjoy the journey.

    Oh, and the woman ended up losing 30lbs, ran and finished her 5k, started a fitness group with other moms, and lovingly thanked her trainer for changing her life.

    Happy ending. Simple.


    Thursday, July 21, 2011

    Form is Fundamental

    I've been doing Brett Hoebel's RevAbs program and he tells us over and over that Form is Fundamental. What does this mean? It simply means that when you're working out, following the DVD's, doing the different moves...you're doing it right!

    Let's take push-ups for example. The form is you're in plank position. Your back is straight. Your back is not bowed, you're not pitching a tent, you're not curled up like a turtle. You're not looking up, your chin is not buried into your chest, you're looking straight down. You are a board.

    Squats - your head is up. You're not bent over. Your feet are flat.

    Why is form so important? You'll reach your fitness goals faster and, more importantly, you'll prevent or greatly lessen the chance of injury! Shaun T in Insanity: Asylum has said, "Don't come to me and say, 'Hey, Shaun, I can do 100 Switch Kicks,' and then do them wrong!"

    Don't get me wrong...you can do all the moves with perfect form and still step the wrong way or stand up crooked and twist your ankle, wrench your back, pull a muscle in your leg, and..in extreme cases, change gender or even give birth. :) But good form, quality over quantity and a willingness to try will do more for your fitness than you can imagine!

    Now get out there and Push Play!


         Tony walked into the near new Beachbody Corporate offices and casually strolled through the hallways, greeting the staff, shaking a hand or too, slapping a back, as he made his way to the CEO’s office. Everyone was pleasant but he could see the smiles weren’t as quick as usual. Something was bothering everyone it seemed. He grimaced and scratched his chin and rapped once on the door in front of him and poked his head into the office.
         Carl Daiekler, Beachbody CEO, glanced up and waived Horton in as he finished up a call. “Yes, yes, I understand,” he said frowning. “Let me get back to you,” he murmured and hung up the phone. He pinched the bridge of his nose for a moment then looked up with a smile. “So...what’s up, boss?” he grinned.
          Tony stared at the man for a moment and smiled crookedly. “You can’t fool me, Carl. What’s going on around here? Everyone’s on edge…well…kind of on edge…a slight edge, if you will.”
         “That’s a great book.”
          Tony raised his eyebrow, waiting.
          “All right, all right,” the CEO sighed. “We’re missing Shakeology. Not a bag here or there, but truckloads. We have enough right now to meet orders but if we don’t find out what’s happening…”
         “A mystery!” Tony smiled.
          “Settle down, Scooby Doo,” Carl grinned. “The cops are already looking into it and…” the buzzer on his phone sounded and he pressed the intercom button. “Yes?”
          “Carl…Josh called…Michael has the belt again.”
          The CEO signed, “All right. I’ll take care of it.” He punched the button and crossed to the door. “Oh…Tony…what did you want to see me about? I’m sorry but…"
          “No, it’s nothing…we can talk about it later.”
          “Great,” Carl smiled, “and I’ve got some great ideas for the new P90X3 – I’m a Bastard edition!” He opened the door and shouted, “Dammit, Neimand! What is it with you and that Top Coach Belt?!?”
           Alone in the office Tony rubbed his chin and whispered, “A mystery!”

    Tuesday, July 12, 2011


    Over the July 4th weekend I was at the 23rd Gaufest held this year in Orlando, FL. The Gaufest is a gathering of Bavarian folk dancing groups from all across North America where they dance, go to classes, compete, and its possible a few glasses of beer are consumed. There was also a wedding reception and a couple of other conventions going on at the same time, one of which was the Florida Institute of the Blind.

    It was amazing to be among several hundred blind individuals. Every single one of them out and about, moving through this huge hotel (I was in room 11124...yes, 11,124!) without fear. I dodged a few canes, got out of the way of a few dogs, and pointed a few people in the right direction but for the most part, the people were on their own.

    I became a bit emotional, realizing how good we have it. Many people have told me I'm an inspiration. I suffered with a terrible disease, had my colon removed and my insides reconstructed and reconnected. I'm fine...it was temporary. It was the hand I was dealt. But these blind folks were lightyears beyond me...and everyone that I talked to was cheerful, happy and just plain nice.

    It was very inspirational...at least to me. So remember how lucky we are that we can do what we do. I'm lucky to be able to talk to each and every one of you. I'm lucky to be some small part of your journey. I'm lucky I was inspired to keep on keepin' on. Just plain lucky!


              BANG! BANG! BANG!
              Tony dived for cover behind the overflowing dumpster, the bullets ricocheting off the steel canister and the brick walls of the alley. He rolled to his knees, peering out from the temporary safety of the filthy container, now possibly the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen.
             “C’mon out, Mr. P90X! I got more for ya!” the clown cackled, his voice rising in pitch. His white and red painted face turned to the red-haired girl on his right and, with a sideways jerk to his head, motioned her down the alley. “I ain’t gonna hurt ya none…I’m a happy kind o’ clown,” he called out, his insane laughter echoing through the night.
              Tony sat back on his heels, rubbing his chin roughly. How do I get myself into these things, he thought and his mind drifted back to the start of this mess, only three days ago…

    Saturday, July 9, 2011

    Walking the Talk

    How every Beachbody Coach should look at least 6 days per week!

    Wednesday, July 6, 2011

    Long Term/Short Term

    Let me give you some frightening statistics -

    1 of every 3 Americans is overweight

    1 of every 5 Americans is obese

    Children in high school, middle school and elementary school are being diagnosed with diabetes

    For the first time in our history, we're raising a generation of children who's life expectancy will be less than their parents.

    What are we doing about it? I know what I'm doing. I'm committed to staying fit - exercising regularly, eating healthy (most of the time!) and encouraging and motivating others (you) to do the same. I'm committed to ending the trend of obesity in this country.

    How? By writing these blog entries. By giving you the motivation you need to stick with it. By being a positive force, encouraging you to not give up!

    90% of people who start an exercise program quit within the first year.

    98% quit in the second.

    I've been part of the 2% that stick with it since 2008! I want you along with me.

    So what's the Short Term goal - you want to look good at the beach, you want to wear the bikini, look good at the reunion, fit into those jeans again.That's great! Honestly, that's what we're counting on to get you to pick up the phone! But once you're doing P90X, Insanity, Turbo Fire, etc a change comes over you. By day 30 you'll be getting the compliments, day 45 you'll be hooked and, before day 90, you'll be asking how you can sign up as a coach.

    But the Long Term goal we have - to help people to achieve their goals and to enjoy a healthy and fulfilling life. That's what Beachbody is all about.

    So...look at the short term but live for the long term. I've climbed that wall and now I'm sitting on top holding out my hand to help you over.

    I won't let go!


    Tuesday, June 28, 2011

    Still Kicking.

    Seven years ago, on June 21, 2004, I was laying on an operating table having my entire colon removed and my insides reconstructed. I had to have a bag on my side for 10 weeks while I healed enough to have my plumbing reconnected. After that, I generally laid around and got fat and happy.

    Then in 2008, I found Beachbody. With Turbo Jam and then P90X, in the space of 6 months, I lost 33 pounds and am possibly in the best shape of my life. I've even had a doctor tell me I'm probably the healthiest patient he would see all day. That's good to hear after being so sick for so long. I've continued on, doing P90X, Insanity, Insanity:Asylum, a few Turbo Fire workouts here and there and have started Rev Abs - the program by Brett Hoebel, who is still at Beachbody as he does NBC's Biggest Loser.

    The above leads to this: Let Nothing Stop You. Believe me, if I can do it, anyone can. You just have to get up. Set aside that hour a day (or less) to work on yourself. The cost of not doing so is staggering, not only to yourself but to the people you care about and who care about you. The benefits are priceless and limitless.

    I should know. I'm still kicking.


    Monday, June 13, 2011

    Little Victories

    I've been doing Shaun T's new workout program Insanity: Asylum Volume 1 - Sports Performance. To say its "hard" is like saying water is wet. It is insanely though. In fact, its the first DVD from Beachbody I've seen that says in its warnings basically, this is hard and even we don't think you should do it!
    So, I'm doing my best. Am I keeping up with the folks in the video? No. Have I quit? No, of course not! I'm doing most of it and every time I'm getting better.
    By that I mean I'm doing some of the exercises 5 seconds longer that I did the last time. I'm stopping in the middle of a one minute routine and coming back in for an additional 10 seconds. I'm not feeling as uncoordinated as I was 2 weeks ago. I only had to sit down twice to catch my breath the last time.
    5 more seconds. Only having to sit twice. Coming back in to finish. To someone passing by its not much but it means I'm progressing due to these little victories. And little victories pave the road to big success.
    Hold onto your little victories. Do 5 more seconds. See the road ahead.
    Commit and Succeed.


    Monday, May 30, 2011

    What If?...

    If you're anything like me, sometimes you get faced with a decision or a situation and you start to What If? yourself to death. I've come to realize that What If comes in two forms - Negative and Positive.

    Some Negatives - I want to go to Paris but what if the plane crashes? I was out sick yesterday, what if the boss yells at me? I want to ask Betty Sue to dance but what if she says no? The common denominator of all these situations (and probably of the one's running through your head) is that you have no control over any of the outcomes! What if the plane crashes? What if the boss yells? What if she says no?

    You've just What If'd yourself into inaction. You'll probably never go to Paris. The boss will find some reason to scream whether you were sick or not. You'll never know if Betty Sue would have said yes because you never asked her.

    Some Positives - What if I combine this chemical and enzyme? What if I try to run that marathon? What if I put some of my thoughts to paper? Maybe you'll cure cancer. Maybe you'll get a feeling of accomplishment you've never had before. Maybe you'll write a best seller.

    Examine your What If's. The negatives are just fear. The positives are simply a mind-set of doing. Face your fear and watch it fade away.

    Build the habit of believing in yourself. You can do anything. I'm here to help.

    I believe in you!


    Monday, May 16, 2011


    I'm 51 years old. About 7 years ago I had to have my entire colon removed and my insides reconstructed over two surgeries. I had to have a bag on my side for 10 weeks and then get my plumbing reconnected. I let myself get up to around 235 lbs and told myself I didn't look that bad. Finally, after seeing a picture of myself and getting tired of pulling my man-boob out of the way to see the iPod on my belt, I did something. I walked about 10 lbs of that off.

    Then I started with Turbo Jam and went into P90X - 90 days of each - and went from 225 to 192.

    How? I tried.

    Was I able to do the moves exactly like Tony and Chalene did? No. Am I able to keep up with Shaun T in Insanity? No. Am I sticking with it? Yes. Am I getting better? Yes. Am I probably in the best shape of my life? Yes.

    Thats all you have to do. Try. Try your hardest. Do your best. One great thing about these DVD's is that you're doing them at home. No one can see or care how you look while you're doing it! So what if you think you look stupid? So what if you can only do 25 seconds of a 60 second exercise?

    It will get better.

    You will get better.

    All you have to do is try.

    Joe Koelbl

    Monday, May 9, 2011


    There are 168 hours in a week. That's it. Everyone from the bagboy at the grocery store to the President of the United States has the same amount of time. Have you ever wondered how it is some people seem to get so much done? How they accomplish so much (or so little)?

    Time management is something we all need to master. I've talked to so many people who say they don't have the time to workout. They have the time, they're just not using it correctly! I know from personal experience if there's something shiny in the room its over for me. The trick is simply to do what you say you're going to do. That's the hard part.

    Many swear by a daily "to do" list. I know Chalene Johnson, creater of Turbo Jam, Turbo Fire, and Chalean Extreme, is a proponent of the to do list. It works and she's proof of that.

    So, make a list of what you do - everything you do - and study it. Are you watching a rerun of NCIS that you've seen 5 times? Are you standing in your kitchen looking at your iPhone? Facebook got you chained to the computer? We can all find several hours a week that should be unaccounted for. Thats enough to get into the best shape of your life or even to build a nice residual income as a Team Beachbody Coach :)

    Find the time and Keep Pushing Play!


    Tuesday, May 3, 2011

    Diet is King!

    Tony Horton, the creator of P90X, has a saying - "Abs are made in the kitchen." That means you can do 5 workouts a day, sweat, furrow your brow and grind your teeth, but unless your diet is right you are not going the get the great results you could truly achieve.

    I've had conversations with some folks who have told me P90X didn't work for them only to find out they were still hitting the drive thru, eating late, wrong, and completely off the grid! Every Beachbody program comes with a nutrition guide just for that system. P90X has one. Insanity has one. Turbo Fire and Turbo Jam have it. And when you join the Beachbody Club one of your free gifts is a recipe book...and you gain access to everything the Team Beachbody site has to offer - including the new meal planner.

    I know that some of the time the nutrition guide books look like rocket science but a simple rule of thumb is 40/40/20 - 40% Protein, 40% Carbs, 20% Fat. Follow that and you should be all right. Also there are many sites like myfitnesspal.com and dailyburn that allow you to track your calorie intake and break down exactly what you're putting into your body. They even have apps for your smart phones.

    Remember to eat clean. I know its not always possible but what we eat is one of the few things in this world we have control over. So stick with it, push play, eat right, and success is right around the corner!

    You can do it!


    Tuesday, April 26, 2011

    Fitness is Fun!

    I was looking at the last few tips of the week I sent to you and noticed "Consistency is the Key," "Don't Get Discouraged," "You're Where You're Supposed to be,""Its Not Easy," etc. etc. and thought to myself, "Gee Whiz...you're kind of a downer, Joe!"

    I've been overlooking the most important component: Being fit, doing these workouts, pushing yourself to your limits and beyond and achieving your goals is FUN! Let's face it...don't you feel better after you've completed that tough workout? When you've kept up with the kids on the DVD don't you feel like you've accomplished something? When you see the number on that scale or go down a loop in your belt, don't you get that goofy smile on your face?

    And the best feeling is when someone says, "Have you lost weight?" or "Wow, you look great! What are you doing?" I'm sure some of you have already gotten that high. And those of you just starting out...it's coming!

    So when your sweating and cursing your TV and you get through it anyway, don't be surprised when the thought pops into your head, "That was fun," even though you're a hot mess. I always say it takes a lot of work to look this good, but the work is fun...even if it hurts!


    Tuesday, April 19, 2011

    Its Not Easy...It's Not Supposed To Be

    I'm supposed to do Plyometrics, part of the P90X workouts, today and I really don't want to. It's uncomfortable, it hurts, you sweat, you can't breathe, and you may even feel like throwing up. It's not easy.

    And its not supposed to be. Getting fit, losing weight, doing these workouts (especially Insanity) is tough. We all know that. We've all decided we have to do something to get in shape, we've committed to doing that, and because we've done that we will succeed! Luckily, here at Beachbody, there is a community dedicated to helping us all achieve that goal.

    From our CEO, Carl Daeikler, down to me and every other Beachbody Coach, we're committed to making the "not easy' a bit more bearable. That's why I'm here - to encourage and motivate - and hopefully help you along on your fitness journey.

    I wish it were as easy as rubbing the DVD's on our bodies and, presto change-o, whole new physique...but it's not. But I hope that knowing there are thousands more out there just like you and me, doing the same thing, feeling the same pain, and getting the same success, will spur us on to greater heights.

    You can reach your goals. I know it.

    How do I know?

    I believe in you.


    Monday, April 11, 2011

    The Stigma of Obesity - Hate Crime or Motivation?

    The following is from a New York TImes article about a study done by Arizona State University:

    "an article by Tara Parker-Pope that focuses on a recent report by Brewis and a team of ASU anthropologists, which found that fat stigma is rapidly and widely being adopted around the globe. The results show that, even in places that traditionally held fat-positive or -neutral attitudes, like American Samoa and Puerto Rico, negative perceptions of large bodies are now prevalent. Of concern is that, as fat stigma proliferates in areas that historically did not view obesity as unhealthy or undesirable, emotional and social trauma are likely to follow."

    Really? The worry is not the trend of obesity or the many other health risks that come with it, but that someone's feelings might get hurt?!? This is what we've come to? In America 1 out of 3 people are considered obese. It may be time to hurt some feelings!

    We spend 8 hours a day watching TV or playing video games, we go through the drive thru with alarming regularity - we can't even be bothered to get out of the car and go into the restaurant! I'm sure the day is almost here when we can watch mobile satellite television in our cars while we're going through the drive thru!

    I've said before my main job as a Beachbody coach is to believe in someone before they believe in themselves. My other job is to tell you the truth. Sometimes I have to be a bit harsh like when I told you your level of success or failure is directly proportionate to your effort. It other words...its your fault!

    So now, take a look at yourself. Are you happy with your current level of health and fitness? Are you fat? DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! Now, I know there are people with valid medical reasons why they are heavy but the rest of us have to do something, do our part to end the trend of obesity in the USA or instead of this:

    Boy: "Cheerleader Sue, would you like to go out?"

    Cheerleader Sue: "No! You're too fat."

    Boy: "Wow! That really hurt my feelings. I'm going to work hard and lose weight and get ripped with P90X (unabashed plug ;)) and I'll show her!"

    we're going to get this:

    Boy: "Cheerleader Sue, would you like to go out?"

    Cheerleader Sue: "No! You're too fat."

    Boy: "Wow! That really hurt my feelings. I'm calling Attorney General Eric Holder and have you arrested for committing a hate crime. And then I'm going to McDonald's for a supersized everything."

    So be motivated to be better. Don't be motivated to be a victim. Just the fact that you're here means you've already taken the steps to End the Trend.

    Keep Pushing Play!


    Tuesday, March 29, 2011

    You're Where You Deserve To Be!

    Let me explain. Your current level of fitness, health, physique, even your attitude, is exactly equal to the effort you've put into it.

    In other words, its your own darn fault!

    I know some of you are saying, "That's exactly right." Others are saying, "That's the kick in the pants I needed to hear." Still others are saying, "Wow, coach, that's kind of harsh!"

    And it is. Its supposed to be. My main job as a Team Beachbody Coach is to motivate, encourage, answer your questions, and just generally help you reach your goals. My real job is to believe in you before you believe in yourself. And so sometimes I have to say things like, "You're out of shape/fat because you're not doing what you're supposed to do. Its not P90X or Insanity or the program...its you."

    Now I know that there are many valid reasons. You've been sick, you care for a parent or a child, your work schedule keeps changing. Real life has a habit of saying, "In your face." I'm talking about those of us who do two workouts, skip three days, go to McDonalds, skip a week, do a workout, and then tell me P90X didn't work for them because they still have a 40" waist or didn't lose the 20 lbs they wanted to.

    Do you recognize yourself? If so, your level of success or failure is exactly what you've earned. Now is the time to make the change. If you want reach your goals, fit into that bikini, take off your shirt and not feel ookie about it, its time to tell yourself "I'm going to do it. I'm going to stick with it. I am responsible!"

    And now when you get serious and complete Insanity, P90X, Rev Abs, Slim in 6, Turbo Fire etc, you'll say "I DID IT!" and it will show!

    Monday, March 14, 2011

    Little Things Lead to Big Successes

    I'm sure we've all seen the athlete who's won Wimbleton or the Masters, who's made the game winning catch or basket or homerun and as a rule they all thank God or their parents or their coach...which are all quite valid. But what got them where they are, what enabled them to excel, were the tiny, little, insignificant things they preformed without fail.

    You'll never hear them credit the 2 extra hours a week they worked on their drives or serves, or the extra half hour they stayed late to run stadium stairs. But it was these little things that got them there!

    The same is true in our lives - the tiny decisions we make serve to bring us closer or further away from our ultimate goals! You want a snack - the apple or the candy bar. You want a magazine - People or Success Magazine. You want to read a book - "Love's Reckless Rash" or "Think and Grow Rich"? Tiny little choices. And the worst part is that the decisions made that bring us closer or further from our goal are equally as easy to make!

    I encourage you to pick up the book The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson. He explains this so much better than I can. It might even change your life!!

    Until next time!

    Tuesday, March 8, 2011

    Don't Get Discouraged!

    Many times you'll be working out and not be able to reach the goal you set for yourself that day or look in the mirror and say, "Why do I still look this way?" or even, "This isn't working!"

    Nothing could be further from the truth! So what if you didn't do 25 pushups or squat 350 lbs? And really...how many people see what you see in the mirror? Are you doing your best? Are you pushing yourself every time you work out?

    If you are then I'm here to tell you - results will come. In fact, results are already here! I'd be willing to bet there are changes under the surface that you don't recognize yet. Your clothes are probably fitting better. And you are healthier by far! All the internal stuff your doctor is going to check for at your next physical are going to be dramatically improved. That's the truth.

    So don't get discouraged because its been 2 months and you haven't lost 35 lbs! Or you think you still look the same. You don't...inside or out!

    Tuesday, March 1, 2011

    Consistency Is The Key!

    Every Beachbody program comes with a workout schedule/calendar which lets you know what day (depending on the day you start!) to do which DVD. The thing is...you have to do it!

    It would be great if all we had to do was rub the DVD's on our bodies and presto - we're hot, but its a liitle more involved than that. You have to get out there and do it. Usually 6 days a week. It's tough but I'm sure we can find an hour a day to get fit.

    And its not just you being affected. You'll be heathier. You'll set an example for your family. You'll add years to your life so you can be there for them (or to annoy them more...your choice!). But you have to get into the habit. I know real life rears its ugly head more often than any of us would like and missing a day or two here and there is fine.

    Follow the program. Don't reinvent the wheel. You'll succeed beyond your dreams...you just have to dream big!


    Monday, February 14, 2011

    Hittin' It & Hittin' It & Hittin' It Hard!

    As I noted in my last posting I am finally feeling like my old self. I suppose the "several months" until the medication regulates my doodad has at last taken place and I feel pretty darn good! (fingers crossed and wearing the necklace of garlic just in case!)

    I made it thru P90X Recovery Week and have started on Phase 2. I'm well on my way and committed to showing up at the 2011 Beachbody Coach Summit in the best possible shape I can.

    Eating right. Working out. Mental state clearing up!

    Ain't no stopping me now!

    Monday, January 10, 2011


    Finally felt good for the first time in a week. Finally done with the holidays. Finally time to X it up!

    I commit to 90 days of P90X

    I commit to 60 days of Insanity (the workout...I already should be committed - I work for the Post Office!)

    I commit to heading to the 2011 Coach Summit in the best possible shape

    There is no try, only do.
