I was watching the show
Made on MTV the other day. For those of you who don't know, people write in and want to be made into something like the geek wants to be a ladies man, or the tomboy wants to be prom queen etc. Then the powers that be send this person a coach or expert and they work with them for 90 days ( I think) and move them to their goal...usually culminating in success or near-miss, but ultimately peoples lives are changed.
In this particular episode, a woman who had gained 70lbs while pregnant, wanted to be a 'fit mom' and run a 5k.. So they send her a trainer
annnnd they whining and complaning began: "This is so hard." "I can't do this." "Why are you so mean?" "DON'T YELL AT ME I'M DOING IT!" Tears, crying, boo hoo, boo hoo. After a couple of weeks the trainer measures out 5k, which was several times around the block, and has the woman run it. Whinning and complaining begins, runs some, walks some, whining and complaining continues.
Towards the end of the run the trainer says:
"Run these last 100 yards! C'mon, you can! Run! Run!" So the woman runs to the finish, collapses to the ground, whining and crying continues. The trainer kneels down and says, "This is where it starts. Do you want the next 10 years of your life to be this way or do you want to change." Then she stands up, crosses her arms over her chest, looks down her nose at the blubbering woman and says,
"Admit it...you feel pretty good about yourself right now, don't you?"
And that's where the change is. Yoda said, "There is no try, only do." (Yes, I actually made a Yoda reference :)) I say,
"There is no can't, only try!" One can't go into this with the attitude they're already going to fail. I'll tell you the truth, I still can't do a decent pull-up, but I'm never going to quit trying to do them. I can't seem to get my feet all the way down on front weighted lunges, but I won't quit. Don't even get me started on step-back lunges!
Your attitude makes all the difference. How do you feel about yourself if you skip a workout for no other reason than you just didn't want to? How do you feel about yourself when you get out there and push yourself? If I fail, will I quit? If I fail, will I try again?
I believe I'll try again. I'm positive I'll be able to do it...eventually. I see the end goal, I'll reach it...I'll even enjoy the journey.
Oh, and the woman ended up losing 30lbs, ran and finished her 5k, started a fitness group with other moms, and lovingly thanked her trainer for changing her life.
Happy ending. Simple.