Thursday, December 30, 2010

New Year. New You. New Me.

So...another year starts and I'm sure most of us are busy making those New Year's Resolutions and planning to keep them...this time. The sad secret is only a very few people actually reach their Resolution goals. Its nothing to be mad at...its just human nature.

This year, though, I only have two...and one is dependent on the other. Or they're the same thing. Or if I do one the other happens...(I don't know...my brain hurts now...). They are to rededicate myself to getting into the greatest shape of my life and to turn the corner as a Beachbody coach and reap the rewards of helping others, which helps me!

You see, I always promised myself I would never be a CINO - Coach In Name Only. I do the programs. I take the supplements. I sing the praises. And now that I've just turned 51...(wait...51?!?...what the hell happened?!?!)...I'm going to go all out. I don't think I can inspire others to workout and get fit without actually doing that myself! One of Beachbody's main goals is to fight the startling trend of Obesity in the USA and to that end they pay you to get fit and help others do the same!

I literally get paid to workout. There's a little more to it than that but not much. The big boss says we're a PHP - a People Helping People business and he's right. They helped me. I went from around 225lbs to a low of 192...and that was after having my entire colon removed, my insidey parts reconstructed, and generally moping around "Why Me-ing?" myself for a year or two.

If you've ever noticed all the infomercials for all the other things out there like Nutrisystem or the Ab Roller, or, heaven forbid, the Shakeweight, they all have the tag line "Results Not Typical."

Beachbody says "Results Vary." Why? You get out of it what you put in.

And that's my resolution this year. To put in by being all in. I can do it. I believe in me.

And I believe in you. Join me. I've climbed a wall and now I'm sitting on top of it with my hand out to help you over. www.beachbodycoach.com/josefk Click on the Read My Profile doodad and read my story. Then click on the Be a Coach box/tab and come along!

Until December 31, 2010 (that's tomorrow) Beachbody has WAIVED the Coach signup fee of $40. That means you can start your own fitness business for free and receive all the benefits of a coach. And even if you don't want anything to do with the business end of it you still get the coach benefits, namely 25% off orders, first crack at new programs, expidited shipping, etc., etc.

Whenever you decide to join me, I'll be here. I'm in it to win it. I'm in it for you.


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Tis the Season!

I just want to wish all of you for this Holiday Season of 2010 a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

I am rededicating myself to getting into the greatest shape of my life and building my Beachbody business to new heights. I want you to come along for the ride and make this coming year the best we possibly can.

Remember, after Winter....its swimsuit season! Start planning now!


Sunday, December 5, 2010

Bug...Get Outta Mah Belly!!

It seems that every time I get consistent in my workouts, something happens. Usually its my own damn fault but sometimes its completely out of my control.

This time I picked up some kind of stomach bug. I've been on the shelf for the last 4 days or so and its literally been a pain in my hynie. I'd join the Pooping Olympics but after the past few days I'm ready to turn pro! And, since I had to have my entire colon removed near 6 years ago, I already have to "go" more than the norm so when I get 'that problem' its a nightmare!

But I'm finally feeling a little better - still kind of weak and rickety - but I'm ready to hit it again.

I can hear Doc Horton yelling at me already!


Thursday, December 2, 2010

P90X Recovery Week

Just getting ready to finish up week three of another round of P90X and go into Recovery Week.

Or, as I like to call it, No Recovery Recovery Week! I mean really...when Mr. Tony Horton said recovery week I believed him. But Nooooooo....

I love P90X and Beachbody and being a Beachbody Coach but c'mon...Bow to Boat? Superman/Bannana? Dreya rolls? More like Ouch, Owww, and You've got to be kidding me!!

But half the joy of P90X, besides the incredibly sexy body, increased health, and super level of fitness, is its ability to make you give it your all, fail, and then say, "I did it!" It doesn't happen overnight or in a day, week, month...but it happens.

It happened to me! Look and see: http://www.beachbodycoach.com/josefk  


Monday, November 29, 2010

Thankful Because I Tried

Hello everyone!
First, Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. I hope you all have a fantastic day. I, on the other hand, am being forced in to work from noon till 8.30pm so unless I want to eat at around 9am my Thanksgiving is pretty much ruined. However I just want to remind you of a motto of mine: "There's always someone out there worse off than you." So no matter how bad it gets remember that someone out there would trade places with you in an instant!

Second, Beachbody has waived the Coach sign-up fee until Dec 31. Even if you don't want to persue the business part of this (and do what I do), I urge you to consider clicking the Coach tab and think of it as the "preferred customer' tab. You are eligible for the 25% discount immedietaly and 25% off is nothing to sneeze at. If you're ordering Shakeology regularly its a $30 savings right off the bat. And, if you're on monthly Home Direct shipping the shipping is free! Please consider it! Here's a link to be on my team:


Third, a little motivation. I have to say that nothing drives us coaches crazier than hearing someone say, "I can't." I know the first time I tried P90X and saw some of the crazy stuff I said the same thing. And truthfully, I still am unable to do a decent Dreya Roll! However, I still try. And that's the only thing you have to do.

"I'll try" must be followed by "I'll stick with it" and one day you say, "I did it!" Its that simple and that hard.

I speak with a fellow on the message boards from time to time. He's done a few rounds of P90X, has changed his physique, improved his health and overall level of fitness. He is 72 years old. Is he throwing barbells around? No. Is he keeping up with Dom, the human jumping bean in Plyometrics? No. But he tried, he stuck with it, and he is healthier now than he's ever been and has added years to his life.

Cammie Lusk is this years Grand Finale Contest winner - $25,000!! She's making incredible strides in her fitness and health. She also has multiple sclerosis. Because she tried and stuck with it, she is now able to use a stationary bicycle and get out of her wheelchair and walk for brief periods.

You've seen Tommy Mygrant in the P90X infomercial. He says he's gone from the fattest person in the room to the fittest. He tried. He stuck with it. He did it.

Me. I suffered from Ulcerative Colitis for most of my life. Over 6 years ago I had to have my entire colon removed and my insidey parts reconstructed. I'm still kicking. I tried. I stuck with it. And quite a few times now I've said, "I did it!" Easy? No. Worth it? You bet. And if I can do it...

You can too. If you've ordered your workout program and its collecting dust on a shelf - go get it. Try. Stick with it. Beachbodys motto is: Decide. Commit. Succeed.

You can do it. I believe in you.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Answers at Last ...or...Ain't Nothin' Gonna Break My Stride!

As many of you know, I have no insides!

It's true! I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis when I was 10, had a massive flare up when I was 40, and, at 44, had to have my colon and rectum removed, my insides reconstructed and my plumbing reattached! Check out http://www.j-pouch.org/ for the nuts and bolts (literally!).

So...that's one chapter of life read. And I turn the page today and:

I've been diagnosed with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. Basically, my body had decided not to recognise my thyroid gland. My pituitary gland is still sending out its...errr...thyroid goop but my body says, "Nope, don't know what that is...what is that?" so my pituitary starts acting like a jockey with a whip squeezing out more goop. A couple of the results of all this are 1) fatigue and 2) depression.

Which is good to know because I thought I was 1) lazy and  2) crazy!

Some of y'all can attest I've be very down and negative for a while. It has gotten better but I was thinking of changing my middle name to "Eeyore" for a time. Also, and many of you don't know this, for the past six months to a year I have felt exhausted. It is a struggle for me to get out of bed in the morning..which is bad because the only time I really have to workout is first thing in the morning. My arms and legs feel like lead and I lay there saying, "Get up, you bum!" but that dosen't work.

So...I'm starting medication now. Even though I'll have to take it for...well...ever, I'm not to depressed about it. I will be feeling more energy. I'll be more myself.

And at least I have an answer!


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Some day is Not a Day of the Week

Some day...I'm going to lose 15 pounds.

Some day...I'm going to start my own business.

Some day...I'm going to Paris.

Some day...I'll pay my credit cards off.

How many of you are waiting for Some day? I know I'm guilty of it. And I finally realized something that could be life-changing. Are you ready? Here it is:

Some day never comes.

There are people who say looking to Some day is a goal. No...Some day is a wish. I wish I could lose 15 pounds. I wish I could go to Paris. I wish I could start my own business. I wish I could pay my credit cards off. 

A goal is something you work at, something you write down everyday. Something you set a deadline for. Something that's definite. I will lose 15 pounds by... I started my own business on... I am on a plane to Paris on... I paid my credit cards off on... These are goals not wishes.

So, set your goals. Write them down. Set a date. And you'll notice something odd happen: Your subconsious mind starts to work on it and somehow, someway events begin to align and you lose 15 pounds, you start your business, you go to Paris and you pay off your credit cards.

Your goals are any size, any shape. And they are all in your grasp.

Not Some day.



Tuesday, September 14, 2010

So...I'm Fine!

Hello everyone!

Had my physical today and I passed with flying colors. I'm 50 years old and everything is spot on...cholesterol, sugar, PSA, every little thing you can think of is great. I'm even at the lowest percentile for having a heat attack or stroke. Its good to know!

So why is this so good? I mean a few years ago I was lying on an operating table having my colon and rectum removed and now I'm probably the healthiest patient my doctor is going to see all day (if I do say so myself)! What changed? Well...I was fat and now I'm not. I'd hate to say it was something that simple but I think that's what it all boils down to.

I found Beachbody...or they found me...the jury's still out on that one...but I started working out to Turbo Jam. Then I moved on to P90X. Then Insanity. Then Tony Horton's One on One series. Then a hybrid of everything. And I'm using the supplements like Shakeology and their whey protein and Omega-3. And eating right...better.

So, after all the studies, after all the research, after billions and billions of dollars spent on testing and trials it seems three little words are responsible for saving lives, transforming health and reducing medical costs:

Diet and Excercise.

Who knew?


Monday, August 30, 2010

I Am The Shy Guy

It's true...I Am Shy.

Not debilitatingly shy. I mean if someone introduces me or if someone says something to me and such, we're off to the races and having a conversation.

I talking about the kind of shy that makes it near impossible to just walk up to someone unknown to me and just strike up a conversation! Even, "Hi, how are you? Some weather we've been having." is stuck in my throat. Odd. I wonder what I think is going to happen? I mean, I'm pleasant. I'm not Hunchback of Notre Dame ugly. I can speak intellegently on a variety of topics.

What's holding me back?

Fear, I suppose. Fear of Rejection. Fear of Failure.

Which all boils down to Fear of Nothing, really. Ah Ha! An ephifany! What's the worst that could happen? Nothing ...to me. "No" can't hurt me. Rejection? Their loss, not mine. Failure? Failing leads to success. (I was going to say that "Failure is the shadow that Success casts" but that dosen't make any sense, does it?).

So I resolve to be less shy and more outgoing.

And if Rejection and/or Failure happen to follow, what do I do?

Say, "Isn't that Interesting." and take another step forward.


Sunday, August 22, 2010


Hi everyone!

This is going to be a bit longer than you're used to from me. Today I'm going to talk about Integrity...a little bit about Beachbody's and then about me.

Beachbody is a Multi Level Marketing company. I know what you're thinking...Amway. (sort of.) Pyramid scheme. (absolutely not!) The people at the bottom don't make the money the people at the top do. Well...that's true. I mean do you make as much as your supervisor/manager? Does he make as much as your company's Vice-President? Does he make as much as the CEO? So...technically...everywhere is a kind of multi level marketing.

The only difference is at Beachbody, if I put the effort in, I can make as much or more than your CEO! Let's face it...if you're making $10 an hour and you come in and are the hardest worker, doing more than everyone else, become the go to guy that the boss comes to every day...you're still making $10 an hour. There are Coaches here who are making thousands of dollars a week. Am I one of them? No. Do I want to be? Sure. But money is not the be all, end all to me or Beachbody.

True story. As you know, Shakeology, Beachbody's Ultra Premium health shake, is taking the industry by storm. Sales are through the roof and growing. It comes in two flavors...Greenberry and Chocolate. And everyone from the Coaches to the customers have been clamoring for another - Vanilla. And at the Coach Summit earlier this year they unveiled the Vanilla flavor. The crowd went wild. And then the CEO, Carl Daiekler, said, "And we're not going to do it. We may never be able to do it."

You see, Beachbody prides itself on making Shakeology completely natural. When the fella who formulated Shakeology asked the manufacturer how they were able to get this fantastic vanilla ice cream cone taste a dirty little secret came out. Because vanilla is such a delicate taste and very hard to get naturally, the FDA allows companies to insert a certain amount of chemicals to attain that taste and still call it "all natural." All well and good but some of these chemicals are unpronounceable and are even used in photographic processing!

So Beachbody said "no." They are going to keep the product pure and forgo hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of dollars in sales. For Integrity's sake. That's the kind of company you and I are involved with.

Here's a link to the video of that moment.


As for me, every so often I'll post something at the end of one of these notes asking you to consider become a Beachbody Coach. It is a fantastic opportunity and, believe me, now is the time. Big things are happening here and they're only gonna get bigger. Would I like you to sign up as a coach on my team? Sure! By the way - you are all members of Team Transform - Transforming Mind*Body*Fortune. I think I'm gonna have some T-Shirts made! :)

But the most important thing to me is helping you. I was talking to Carl (yep...first name basis with the CEO!) and he said Beachbody is not a MLM (Multi Level Marketing) company. We're a PHP company. People Helping People. I want you to reach all your goals. If you want to get fit? I'm here. If you want to be a Coach? I'm here. If you have questions? I'll get the answers.

But my most important job as a Team Beachbody Coach is this - to believe in someone before they believe in themselves. I'm sitting on top of a wall and I've got my hand out to help you over. You can do it. You can achieve anything.

Stick with it. Keep pushing play. I believe in you.

Joe Koelbl

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Stick With It!

Hello everyone!

Hope all of you are having a great year (so far) and are pushing play regularly. I've really decided to commit to bringing it this year - eating clean, pushing play and leaving it all on the training room floor. Although I'm sweating so much my eyes are red! People must think I'm sick, stoned or crazy! (I'll never tell!)

Remember - 2010 is the year we stick with it. Just think - the summer season is literally right around the corner. I know I want to look good at the beach and the street and I'm sure y'all want to do the same. Show up, get outta your head about it and keep pushing play! As Mr. P90X Tony Horton says, "Rome wasn't built in a day and neither is your body." Consistency is the key!

Stick with it!

See me at www.beachbodycoach.com/josefk and learn how to get 25% of all your orders!

Keep at it!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

You and 2010

Hello Everyone!

Its been a little while since I, your Beachbody coach, pestered you with a informational and (hopefully) motivational post so I sit here with keyboard in hand to touch base with all of you.

I had a terrible cold over the New Year's festivities. I must have swallowed a gallon or three of Orange juice and a box of Alka-Seltzer Cold medicine! See...even us healthy types succumb to the season! All better now although my workouts suffered from the cold weather, a cold and my visiting mother's cooking. I've determined my parents are enablers - "Oh, you're putting on weight. You should get up and do something. Here, eat more of this!" I survived.

Now then:

2010 is the year you stick with it!

You may have had your program for a while and due to the events of real life let things fall by the wayside. Now is the time to get back on that horse! Push Play and get into the shape you had or should of had in high school! You can do it!

Remember: Nothing works unless you do! Resolve to exercise. Resolve to eat clean. Resolve to do it. Take your Day 1 pictures (you don't have to show them to anybody!). The camera doesn't lie - that's you. Be better.

Take advantage of everything the Team Beachbody site has to offer. Complete your profile and set your goals. Join the Club and gain access to everything. Use WOWY. Use the Message boards. Use ME! That's why I'm here.

Please let me know how you're doing. If you have any questions please ask.