Monday, August 30, 2010

I Am The Shy Guy

It's true...I Am Shy.

Not debilitatingly shy. I mean if someone introduces me or if someone says something to me and such, we're off to the races and having a conversation.

I talking about the kind of shy that makes it near impossible to just walk up to someone unknown to me and just strike up a conversation! Even, "Hi, how are you? Some weather we've been having." is stuck in my throat. Odd. I wonder what I think is going to happen? I mean, I'm pleasant. I'm not Hunchback of Notre Dame ugly. I can speak intellegently on a variety of topics.

What's holding me back?

Fear, I suppose. Fear of Rejection. Fear of Failure.

Which all boils down to Fear of Nothing, really. Ah Ha! An ephifany! What's the worst that could happen? Nothing ...to me. "No" can't hurt me. Rejection? Their loss, not mine. Failure? Failing leads to success. (I was going to say that "Failure is the shadow that Success casts" but that dosen't make any sense, does it?).

So I resolve to be less shy and more outgoing.

And if Rejection and/or Failure happen to follow, what do I do?

Say, "Isn't that Interesting." and take another step forward.


Sunday, August 22, 2010


Hi everyone!

This is going to be a bit longer than you're used to from me. Today I'm going to talk about Integrity...a little bit about Beachbody's and then about me.

Beachbody is a Multi Level Marketing company. I know what you're thinking...Amway. (sort of.) Pyramid scheme. (absolutely not!) The people at the bottom don't make the money the people at the top do. Well...that's true. I mean do you make as much as your supervisor/manager? Does he make as much as your company's Vice-President? Does he make as much as the CEO? So...technically...everywhere is a kind of multi level marketing.

The only difference is at Beachbody, if I put the effort in, I can make as much or more than your CEO! Let's face it...if you're making $10 an hour and you come in and are the hardest worker, doing more than everyone else, become the go to guy that the boss comes to every day...you're still making $10 an hour. There are Coaches here who are making thousands of dollars a week. Am I one of them? No. Do I want to be? Sure. But money is not the be all, end all to me or Beachbody.

True story. As you know, Shakeology, Beachbody's Ultra Premium health shake, is taking the industry by storm. Sales are through the roof and growing. It comes in two flavors...Greenberry and Chocolate. And everyone from the Coaches to the customers have been clamoring for another - Vanilla. And at the Coach Summit earlier this year they unveiled the Vanilla flavor. The crowd went wild. And then the CEO, Carl Daiekler, said, "And we're not going to do it. We may never be able to do it."

You see, Beachbody prides itself on making Shakeology completely natural. When the fella who formulated Shakeology asked the manufacturer how they were able to get this fantastic vanilla ice cream cone taste a dirty little secret came out. Because vanilla is such a delicate taste and very hard to get naturally, the FDA allows companies to insert a certain amount of chemicals to attain that taste and still call it "all natural." All well and good but some of these chemicals are unpronounceable and are even used in photographic processing!

So Beachbody said "no." They are going to keep the product pure and forgo hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of dollars in sales. For Integrity's sake. That's the kind of company you and I are involved with.

Here's a link to the video of that moment.


As for me, every so often I'll post something at the end of one of these notes asking you to consider become a Beachbody Coach. It is a fantastic opportunity and, believe me, now is the time. Big things are happening here and they're only gonna get bigger. Would I like you to sign up as a coach on my team? Sure! By the way - you are all members of Team Transform - Transforming Mind*Body*Fortune. I think I'm gonna have some T-Shirts made! :)

But the most important thing to me is helping you. I was talking to Carl (yep...first name basis with the CEO!) and he said Beachbody is not a MLM (Multi Level Marketing) company. We're a PHP company. People Helping People. I want you to reach all your goals. If you want to get fit? I'm here. If you want to be a Coach? I'm here. If you have questions? I'll get the answers.

But my most important job as a Team Beachbody Coach is this - to believe in someone before they believe in themselves. I'm sitting on top of a wall and I've got my hand out to help you over. You can do it. You can achieve anything.

Stick with it. Keep pushing play. I believe in you.

Joe Koelbl