Monday, May 9, 2011


There are 168 hours in a week. That's it. Everyone from the bagboy at the grocery store to the President of the United States has the same amount of time. Have you ever wondered how it is some people seem to get so much done? How they accomplish so much (or so little)?

Time management is something we all need to master. I've talked to so many people who say they don't have the time to workout. They have the time, they're just not using it correctly! I know from personal experience if there's something shiny in the room its over for me. The trick is simply to do what you say you're going to do. That's the hard part.

Many swear by a daily "to do" list. I know Chalene Johnson, creater of Turbo Jam, Turbo Fire, and Chalean Extreme, is a proponent of the to do list. It works and she's proof of that.

So, make a list of what you do - everything you do - and study it. Are you watching a rerun of NCIS that you've seen 5 times? Are you standing in your kitchen looking at your iPhone? Facebook got you chained to the computer? We can all find several hours a week that should be unaccounted for. Thats enough to get into the best shape of your life or even to build a nice residual income as a Team Beachbody Coach :)

Find the time and Keep Pushing Play!


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