Monday, September 26, 2011

Just Show Up

The above three words are the cornerstone of fitness. Another way to say it - CONSISTENCY! If your program, be it P90X, Insanity, Turbo Fire, etc., says do these workouts 6 days per week, do them 6 days per week! I realize that life rears its ugly head every so often and we, me included, will miss a day here and there, but for the most part you have to do it to get the results you want.

I wish it were as simple as buying the thing, rubbing the DVD's all over your body and, SHAZAM!, you're fit and ripped to shreds. Not going to happen. You have to go into the garage, or the living room, or bedroom, or where ever you have your workout area set up, push play, and do it..over and over.

Our bodies are amazing mechanisms. Unlike any other machine which depreciates and breaks down from overuse, the body becomes stronger, healthier, fitter, and just plain better the more you exercise. Even if you have a serious health issue, just a little activity improves your overall level of health.

I'm sure you all know my story, but briefly - Ulcerative Colitis, entire colon removed, insides reconstructed, bag on my side for 10 weeks, plumbing reconnected, sat around getting fat and happy untill I hit 235lbs and a 44" waist. Today, as of the last weighing - 202lbs, 35" waist, BP 120/70, resting heart rate 56. In the best shape of my life. I even have an ab! Just one!!! But its happening!

And if I can do it, anyone can. There are people out there with health issues that put me to shame. Simply inspirational people.

And it all started just by showing up.

Now...go push play!


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