Thursday, July 21, 2011

Form is Fundamental

I've been doing Brett Hoebel's RevAbs program and he tells us over and over that Form is Fundamental. What does this mean? It simply means that when you're working out, following the DVD's, doing the different moves...you're doing it right!

Let's take push-ups for example. The form is you're in plank position. Your back is straight. Your back is not bowed, you're not pitching a tent, you're not curled up like a turtle. You're not looking up, your chin is not buried into your chest, you're looking straight down. You are a board.

Squats - your head is up. You're not bent over. Your feet are flat.

Why is form so important? You'll reach your fitness goals faster and, more importantly, you'll prevent or greatly lessen the chance of injury! Shaun T in Insanity: Asylum has said, "Don't come to me and say, 'Hey, Shaun, I can do 100 Switch Kicks,' and then do them wrong!"

Don't get me wrong...you can do all the moves with perfect form and still step the wrong way or stand up crooked and twist your ankle, wrench your back, pull a muscle in your leg, and..in extreme cases, change gender or even give birth. :) But good form, quality over quantity and a willingness to try will do more for your fitness than you can imagine!

Now get out there and Push Play!


     Tony walked into the near new Beachbody Corporate offices and casually strolled through the hallways, greeting the staff, shaking a hand or too, slapping a back, as he made his way to the CEO’s office. Everyone was pleasant but he could see the smiles weren’t as quick as usual. Something was bothering everyone it seemed. He grimaced and scratched his chin and rapped once on the door in front of him and poked his head into the office.
     Carl Daiekler, Beachbody CEO, glanced up and waived Horton in as he finished up a call. “Yes, yes, I understand,” he said frowning. “Let me get back to you,” he murmured and hung up the phone. He pinched the bridge of his nose for a moment then looked up with a smile. “So...what’s up, boss?” he grinned.
      Tony stared at the man for a moment and smiled crookedly. “You can’t fool me, Carl. What’s going on around here? Everyone’s on edge…well…kind of on edge…a slight edge, if you will.”
     “That’s a great book.”
      Tony raised his eyebrow, waiting.
      “All right, all right,” the CEO sighed. “We’re missing Shakeology. Not a bag here or there, but truckloads. We have enough right now to meet orders but if we don’t find out what’s happening…”
     “A mystery!” Tony smiled.
      “Settle down, Scooby Doo,” Carl grinned. “The cops are already looking into it and…” the buzzer on his phone sounded and he pressed the intercom button. “Yes?”
      “Carl…Josh called…Michael has the belt again.”
      The CEO signed, “All right. I’ll take care of it.” He punched the button and crossed to the door. “Oh…Tony…what did you want to see me about? I’m sorry but…"
      “No, it’s nothing…we can talk about it later.”
      “Great,” Carl smiled, “and I’ve got some great ideas for the new P90X3 – I’m a Bastard edition!” He opened the door and shouted, “Dammit, Neimand! What is it with you and that Top Coach Belt?!?”
       Alone in the office Tony rubbed his chin and whispered, “A mystery!”

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