Thursday, July 18, 2013

A Philosophy of Sorts, Part 2

As promised, part 2 of the two axioms I try to follow. So in addition to the previous:
To be Young, Do Young Things, I give you part 2:

To have energy, be energized.

Well, what does that mean? I hear many times from people they want to workout but they have no energy. Or they're tired. Or they just can't get themselves up to workout.

The truth of the matter is sometimes I don't have energy either, and I'm tired, and there are times when I can't drag myself out of bed to workout. So you know what I do? I get up and workout.

Occasionally I have to force myself but when you form the habit of doing this, even of you don't feel like it, you still go do it! And 99 times out of 100, as soon as you start the workout - there's your energy!

So, again in my rambling way, I have to say something seemingly ridiculous - You need energy to exercise but you get energy from exercising!

In other words, Nike was right - Just Do It!

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