This year, though, I only have two...and one is dependent on the other. Or they're the same thing. Or if I do one the other happens...(I don't know...my brain hurts now...). They are to rededicate myself to getting into the greatest shape of my life and to turn the corner as a Beachbody coach and reap the rewards of helping others, which helps me!
You see, I always promised myself I would never be a CINO - Coach In Name Only. I do the programs. I take the supplements. I sing the praises. And now that I've just turned 51...(wait...51?!?...what the hell happened?!?!)...I'm going to go all out. I don't think I can inspire others to workout and get fit without actually doing that myself! One of Beachbody's main goals is to fight the startling trend of Obesity in the USA and to that end they pay you to get fit and help others do the same!
I literally get paid to workout. There's a little more to it than that but not much. The big boss says we're a PHP - a People Helping People business and he's right. They helped me. I went from around 225lbs to a low of 192...and that was after having my entire colon removed, my insidey parts reconstructed, and generally moping around "Why Me-ing?" myself for a year or two.
If you've ever noticed all the infomercials for all the other things out there like Nutrisystem or the Ab Roller, or, heaven forbid, the Shakeweight, they all have the tag line "Results Not Typical."
Beachbody says "Results Vary." Why? You get out of it what you put in.
And that's my resolution this year. To put in by being all in. I can do it. I believe in me.
And I believe in you. Join me. I've climbed a wall and now I'm sitting on top of it with my hand out to help you over. www.beachbodycoach.com/josefk Click on the Read My Profile doodad and read my story. Then click on the Be a Coach box/tab and come along!
Until December 31, 2010 (that's tomorrow) Beachbody has WAIVED the Coach signup fee of $40. That means you can start your own fitness business for free and receive all the benefits of a coach. And even if you don't want anything to do with the business end of it you still get the coach benefits, namely 25% off orders, first crack at new programs, expidited shipping, etc., etc.
Whenever you decide to join me, I'll be here. I'm in it to win it. I'm in it for you.