Monday, May 18, 2009

Nothing will work unless you doJohn Wooten

“Have you lost weight?”

“Wow! You look great!”

“Look at you! What have you been doing?”

If you’ve received your Beachbody program and have been following it for the last few weeks you’ve probably heard these things from family, friends, and co-workers and maybe from complete strangers.

If you’ve just ordered or are just starting, you will be hearing these things from family, friends, and co-workers and maybe from complete strangers.

If you’ve ordered your program and its still in the box or on a shelf collecting dust you’re not going to hear these things from anybody!

Maybe you’ve been sick or have an injury or real life is tossing its cookies at you. Believe me; I know a little bit about being sick. (If you’ve clicked on my profile , you’ll see what I mean! Short version – Ulcerative Colitis since I was 10, unrelenting flare up when I was 40, removal of colon and rectum at 44. Not fun but I’m still kicking!)

Or perhaps you watched the workout or tried it for a day and said to yourself, “That’s too hard. I can’t do this.” My good friend Derek Heikes (May 2008 $10,000 winner) told me “Can’t doesn’t exist. We don’t say that anymore.” And Tony Horton (creator of Power 90 and P90X) himself says, “We don’t say ‘can’t’. We say, ‘I presently struggle with’.”

Someone once told me the hardest thing about following P90X or Turbo Jam or Hip Hop Abs etc. is putting the DVD or tape in and Pushing Play. Of course I was in a complete flop sweat and looked at him like he was nuts but, after thinking about it for a bit; I realized he had a point.

Team Beachbody’s motto is “Decide. Commit. Succeed” Once you make that decision to get in shape, improve your health and just generally feel better, you have to commit to it. Push play and bring it. I’m here to tell you, you can do it. Take responsibility for your fitness, really commit to it, and you will be amazed what you can and will accomplish.

This stuff works but it’s no magic bullet. You’re going to sweat. You may curse at your television. But you’re going to get into the best shape of your life!

If you have any questions or if I can help you in any way please contact me at josefk@beachbodycoach.com. You can do it. I can help.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Five S's

The five S’s of Sport’s Training are: stamina, speed, strength, skill, and spirit; but the greatest of these is spirit – Ken Doherty
Hello everyone!
Just a quick note to say hello and drop a little motivation on you!
Get ready for summer!
It’s almost swimsuit season!
Start getting in shape for the Beach!
It’s just that time of year when these commercials start to appear. Whether they’re trying to sell some kind of diet system, a gym membership or a strange new abdominal torture device, these advertisements are going to start popping up.
My question? Why wait for summer? Don’t you want to be in shape for spring? And won’t sweater season feel left out? And holiday party season is right around the corner (in another 10 months or so)!
What I’m trying to say is fitness, and by extension the fitness lifestyle, are year-round propositions. Why wait for summer when you can do it now. For those of you who have had your program for a while and have been using it religiously, congratulations! You’re probably seeing some great results! If you’ve just received it or are a few days/weeks in, congratulations! You’re probably sore and happy by now. If you’ve had your program for a while and its sitting on a shelf collecting dust…what are you waiting for?
I know it hurts. I know it’s hard. It’s supposed to be.
But doesn’t if feel good when someone asks if you’ve lost weight?
We are our own harshest critics. When we look in the mirror we don’t see what others see. We focus in on the flaws and note our successes with a “There’s more to do.”
Do your best. Eat right. Eat clean. Push play.
You can do it.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Sick Sick Sick Sick

Well, the title says it all. Sick as a dog. Went tot he doc this morning to get checked out and he's having me stay away from work for the next 3 days! Well thats good...the sick part not so much. And I was really beginning to start dragging myself outta bed in the morning and get that workout in. It seems I'm in a perpetual state of starting again!