Friday, May 11, 2012

Flashback - Day 1 of P90X

I come across and talk to several people on social media sites saying things like: "Day 1 of P90X in the books!" or "First week P90X done" or things to that effect and it caused me to remember my very first day doing the X.

The first disc, in the Classic version, is Chest & Back. So I pop that in and I'm marching in place. Not too bad, I say to myself. Then I'm jogging a bit. Ok, I say. And then I'm doing jumping jacks and run lunges, 30 seconds of each which to me, at that time, seemed like for-ev-ah! I was sweating like Dom at the beginning of Plyo! We get into the stretching and I'm back to feeling better about things. Really, how tough can it be -reachers, arm circles, swimmers, press your hands together, clasp in the back...good times.

And now it's time for Push-ups! Tony asks the kids in the video, "What's your goal? How many are you going to do? Bobby?"

Still working hard!





So I say to myself, again, "Well, that sounds ok...I'll do 30 too!"

I did not do 30 pushups. I did not do 10. I don't think I got to 5. Annnnd the tone was set for the rest of the DVD. Pull-ups...maybe...maybe 1. And the horror continued. Wide front, military, close grip, and don't even get me started on Diamond pushups and Divebomber. Then I hear, "Most workouts would be done by now...NOT OURS!" Oh, thank you, Tony Horton. Mind you...this is Day Freaking One!

This is also what I call the "Wakeup Call Workout." Now you know what kind of shape you're really in. And you have a choice to make - stick with it or give up because its too hard. If you're serious, if this is something you realize you have to do, you stick with it. And by sticking with it you progress so that now when the man himself asks, "How many are you going to do?" you can say 30 and do 30.

Believe me...its a great feeling to be able to keep up with the P90X kids now. If I had given up, I couldn't say that.

Maybe one of these days I'll talk about my first day doing Insanity (Oh My Gawd...This is the warm up?!?)


1 comment:

  1. Awesome Joe! I was in the same boat, though my first set of push ups was probably in the realm of 15, by the beginning of the second round on day 1, I was fried. I clearly recall Tony asking the camera "How many are you going to do?" with regards to the second set of Diamond Push Ups. I said "2!" and that was reaching.

    The progress we make is amazing, and how we feel tops that. You are an inspiration my friend.
