Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Immediacy vs. Reality

We are, or have become, a culture that expects everything right now. Immediate gratification seems to be the watch word of the day.

If you order at the drive thru, you expect it now.
If you play a game, you expect to be great now.
If you work out for one day, you expect to see abs now.

No time for preparation. No time for practice. No time for diet and exercise.

Ain't nobody got time for that!

But, the only way to get where you want to go, to reach your goals, is to try...and fail...and fail again...then take a step forward...and fail...and then, once you've done that a few times, and learned a little bit of why that happened..success, after success, after success.

The fit bodies you admire or say, "I'm going to look like this," didn't happen overnight. (Although, there are some people who it seems just look at a weight and grow!) Everyone started right where you are right now. They may have been fatter, or thinner, I doubt they were smarter. They just kept going and knew that they weren't going to get it now.

Hockey great Wayne Gretzky, when asked how he was able to set or break nearly every record in professional hockey answered simply, "I went to practice."

It takes time. But always remember - Goals combined with Discipline AND Consistency lead to Achievement.

And that's reality.